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CurveSetter MCAT Psychology/Sociology Course
CurveSetter MCAT Psychology & Sociology
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 1: Sensory Processing and Perception (64:02)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 2: Attention, Cognition, and Intelligence (60:54)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 3: Consciousness, Sleep, and Memory (70:38)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 4: Language, Emotion, and Stress (41:49)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 5: Biological Basis of Behavior (62:36)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 6: Personality and Psychological Disorders (73:30)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 7: Motivation, Attitude and Behavior (51:18)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 8: Learning (44:28)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 9: Self, Identity, and Social Thinking (41:23)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 10: Social Processes and Individual Behavior (30:20)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 11: Social Behavior and Self-Presentation (44:35)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 12: Approaches to Sociology and Demographics (35:33)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 13: Social Institutions and Culture (41:34)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 14: Societal and Demographic Shifts (28:55)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 15: Social Class, Inequality, and Disparities (26:06)
Psychology/Sociology Lecture 7: Motivation, Attitude and Behavior
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